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Allowing | Sheron Brown Inspiring bliss. Sun, 01 Aug 2021 17:10:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Allowing | Sheron Brown 32 32 Open Opportunity’s Door Fri, 08 Feb 2019 12:34:51 +0000 | The Tao Chapter 79 – My Fifth Interpretation|

Where is your heart in the midst of failure? If vanity prevails, you have truly failed because there is no growth, only blame. But if humility is prevalent, opportunity’s door opens.

The one who seeks to master the art of living demands nothing to boost her status. Instead, she owns her decisions, amends her actions and aligns her thoughts in surrender to Life’s flow.

LIVING THE TAO: When you see (or feel) the mistake you made, do you waste energy explaining it away through blame, or do you quickly own it, learn, and correct your actions. If it is the former, you are making life more difficult than necessary and creating dis-ease for yourself and all involved.

In 2018 my focus was to intentionally live the Tao Te Ching. Now I continue into 2019 with my fifth reading. I share my daily interpretations hoping to inspire you to do the same.

Embrace your journey. Experience bliss. Live the Tao.

Original image by 
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Generate Innovation Tue, 05 Feb 2019 14:08:28 +0000 | The Tao Chapter 76 – My Fifth Interpretation|

Brittleness is a reflection of lifelessness, such as a leaf that has fallen from its tree.

Suppleness is a reflection of life, such as the skin of a newborn.

Brittle thoughts, stiff and inflexible, contribute to a lifeless environment. Flexibility and openness in thoughts generate life and innovation.

If growth is what you seek, yield to allow life. Otherwise, staleness and lifelessness will be your reward.

LIVING THE TAO: Are you closed off from the perspectives of others. When ideas don’t match your own, do you immediately shut them out? Are you thriving or choking as you hold close to only your perspective? As you reflect on your responses, also consider today’s Tao inspiration.

In 2018 my focus was to intentionally live the Tao Te Ching. Now I continue into 2019 with my fifth reading. I share my daily interpretations hoping to inspire you to do the same.

Embrace your journey. Experience bliss. Live the Tao.

Original image by Cristian Prisecariu.
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Step Back to Lead Mon, 04 Feb 2019 14:01:22 +0000 | The Tao Chapter 75 – My Fifth Interpretation|

Oppression makes the oppressed feel weak. Dominance depresses the spirit of the dominated.

Your way, your ideas, the way you see things: is this how you choose to lead? To weaken and depress?

Choose to use your influence to lift others up. Inspire, encourage and guide then step back to allow others to flourish.

LIVING THE TAO: Do you feel like you are constantly combatting others or in defense mode to move a situation forward? Do you wonder, why the other person behaves as s/he does? They are not in the dilemma alone. You are there as well. Have you examined your behavior?

In 2018 my focus was to intentionally live the Tao Te Ching. Now I continue into 2019 with my fifth reading. I share my daily interpretations hoping to inspire you to do the same.

Embrace your journey. Experience bliss. Live the Tao.

Original image by Sarah Richter.
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The Art of Living Sun, 03 Feb 2019 13:39:38 +0000 | The Tao Chapter 74 – My Fifth Interpretation|

Accept that change is always happening around and you without you. Even now, your cells are being replaced, your blood is being transported and somewhere in the world birth and death are occurring.

Accept that change is always happening, allow it to be and release the burden of trying to control Life’s flow.

If you can accept that change is always happening without you, then you can begin to master the art of living.

LIVING THE TAO: Time and again the Tao reminds you to surrender your desire to control Life’s flow. You control neither life nor death, so enjoy the journey. Engage with what Life puts before you without creating the strife of wanting to direct it—because after all, you didn’t put the circumstance before you, Life did.

In 2018 my focus was to intentionally live the Tao Te Ching. Now I continue into 2019 with my fifth reading. I share my daily interpretations hoping to inspire you to do the same.

Embrace your journey. Experience bliss. Live the Tao.

Original image by Madlen Deutschenbaur.
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Make Surrender Simple Sun, 27 Jan 2019 14:37:12 +0000 | The Tao Chapter 67 – My Fifth Interpretation|

The idea of surrendering the “important things” to Life’s flow may seem inconceivable and feel impossible. But if you are one who can appreciate the connections between all things, then it is possible. And if you practice making surrender a practice, it becomes deeply rooted in your way of being.

If you are drawn to surrender, but question or fear the act, try this.

First, choose to simplify your actions. Do what feels right and do not over think them.

Second, allow the time that is needed for others to respond and circumstances to align.

Third, be kind to yourself and others along the way.

Simplicity, patience and compassion make surrendering to Life’s flow a natural experience, even with the “important things.”

LIVING THE TAO: If practicing surrender is difficult for you, try applying the three steps in today’s inspiration. Breathe through the process and you will feel your way through with calm.

In 2018 my focus was to intentionally live the Tao Te Ching. Now I continue into 2019 with my fifth reading. I share my daily interpretations hoping to inspire you to do the same.

Embrace your journey. Experience bliss. Live the Tao.

Original image by Scott Webb.
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The Yoke of Thought Fri, 25 Jan 2019 08:46:05 +0000 | The Tao Chapter 65 – My Fifth Interpretation|

Learn how not to know. That is, let go of knowing so you can grow. The old ways of thinking do not always serve you.

Thoughts uncluttered by decay make way for simplicity and expansion.

Hear your words. Are they too many?

Pay attention to your thoughts. Have they lived their days?

Detach from the way you believe things ought to be and release your mental burden. Then, aligning with your path becomes easier.

LIVING THE TAO: Really hear yourself in conversations. Are you justifying or proving? Do you beat others down with your way? Ultimately, you won’t get what you want. Practice today’s words. Resist your urge to prove and let go. Practice a little at a time. It does become easier…a little at a time.

In 2018 my focus was to intentionally live the Tao Te Ching. Now I continue into 2019 with my fifth reading. I share my daily interpretations hoping to inspire you to do the same.

Embrace your journey. Experience bliss. Live the Tao.

Original image by Ana Segota.
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Accomplish Without Force Wed, 23 Jan 2019 07:50:14 +0000 | The Tao Chapter 63 – My Fifth Interpretation|

Being in alignment with Life’s flow allows you to accomplish without force. Though there is action, the synchronicities make your path effortless.

Focus on this step now, and then the next step in that now; then in the season of your destination, you will arrive. What appears difficult becomes simple, one step at a time.

Greatness need not be chased. Focus on showing up as your best with each step and you will be great.

What presents as a challenge, surrender yourself to it. In doing so, you make your path smooth.

LIVING THE TAO: What are you forcing? Are you enjoying that path? Probably not. Forcing is partnered with unnecessary strife. How about you follow the suggestion of today’s Tao inspiration instead? You’ll experience greater ease.

In 2018 my focus was to intentionally live the Tao Te Ching. Now I continue into 2019 with my fifth reading. I share my daily interpretations hoping to inspire you to do the same.

Embrace your journey. Experience bliss. Live the Tao.

Original image on Pixabay
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The Guiding Hand Tue, 22 Jan 2019 13:55:46 +0000 | The Tao Chapter 62 – My Fifth Interpretation|

The Ultimate Source of all things is a safe haven for all who chose.

Source offers the natural progression of Life’s flow for your good.

Its benefits cannot be won or earned. The rewards of Life’s flow are available to all who choose to surrender the will of the ego.

The best gift you can give is to help others understand this principle: trust that the Source from which you came is a guiding hand in life’s journey.

LIVING THE TAO: Surrendering can be difficult because we need to feel like we are controlling the direction of a situation. Controlling makes us feel secure, but it doesn’t grow our trust in our Source and it can delay your desired outcome, so learn to surrender. How? Start with this moment. What can you surrender right now?

In 2018 my focus was to intentionally live the Tao Te Ching. Now I continue into 2019 with my fifth reading. I share my daily interpretations hoping to inspire you to do the same.

Embrace your journey. Experience bliss. Live the Tao.

Original image on Pixabay
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A Warrior’s Strength Sun, 20 Jan 2019 14:01:47 +0000 | The Tao Chapter 60 – My Fifth Interpretation|

It is better to allow individuals to arrive at their truth. When you meddle and force, there is frustration and disempowerment. When you guide and support, there is growth in power. Those phenomena are for you both.

For you to allow in this way, you must be grounded in your own power. It takes the strength of a warrior to surrender to the Great Way of Life.

When left to itself without interference, the natural world adapts. Such is the case with those you lead: encourage and support them, then get out of the way for them to grow and thrive.

LIVING THE TAO: Is there a situation that you influence and believe you must do it all or nothing gets done? You aren’t serving yourself or others well. Both your growth and theirs are being stifled. Reflect on these ideas to determine how you can adjust for your sake and the sake of those your lead.

In 2018 my focus was to intentionally live the Tao Te Ching. Now I continue into 2019 with my fifth reading. I share my daily interpretations hoping to inspire you to do the same.

Embrace your journey. Experience bliss. Live the Tao.

Original image by Jesse Bowser.
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Leadership Begins Within Fri, 18 Jan 2019 14:37:01 +0000 | The Tao Chapter 58 – My Fifth Interpretation|

The actions of those you influence informs how you lead. Are they authentic and at ease or deceptive and depressed?

The need to control decreases the results of what you want to control for. So simply set your intention and allow the results to follow.

When you see people around you being compassionate to themselves and others, they choose to release control for Life to flow, and they are allowing their true nature to flourish, these are your fruits of your intentions. They are rooted in your conscious leadership.

LIVING THE TAO: Try doing what today’s inspiration recommends. Observe the behaviors of those you influence. Do they reflect the type of leader you want to be? If not, do not begin by trying to change others. Begin with changing yourself first.

In 2018 my focus was to intentionally live the Tao Te Ching. Now I continue into 2019 with my fifth reading. I share my daily interpretations hoping to inspire you to do the same.

Embrace your journey. Experience bliss. Live the Tao.

Original image by Banter Snaps.
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